End the cycle of guilt, shame, and frustration. Step into your inner power within for effortless transformation beyond weight loss.


You have a busy schedule. We get it. That's why we're giving you an opportunity to join this transformative experience during one of the weeks in January:

January 22nd & 25th
February 5th & 12th

Pick the week that works best with your schedule.

This isn't just about shedding pounds; it's a transformative experience designed to empower you from within.

Enroll Today

Vicki & Chrissy Has A Special Message For You 

Embark on this transformative journey guided by Vicki and Chrissy, who both faced the depths of despair but emerged triumphant through inner transformation.


Pick the Week That Works With Your Schedule

January 22nd

Fresh Start to the Year

Starting on January 22nd, this is perfect for you if you want to dive in right at the beginning of the new year.

January 29th

Jumpstart the Year

Ideal if you have a busy start to the year, or for anyone looking to sync their efforts with a specific week.

February 5th 

Find Your Stride

Tailored for you to help ease into your wellness routine after the initial hustle of January.

February 12th

Final February Push

This week offers a powerful opportunity to make the most of the month's final stretch. 

I Want To Start My Transformation Journey

Vicki & Chrissy

Meet Vicki and Chrissy, the dynamic duo behind a groundbreaking holistic approach to weight release that transcends the conventional norms.

Chrissy is a nurse, and Vicki is a busy working mom - both with hectic schedules and very busy lifestyles.

Our story is one of hope born from personal struggles and a commitment to transform lives from the inside out.

Not long ago, Chrissy found herself feeling unseen, guilty, and ashamed due to once again gaining weight and repeating a pattern that followed her throughout her life.

It got so bad that Chrissy wanted to be completely unseen and didn't even want to leave her house beyond going to work and back. But then Chrissy had the courage to see her repeating patterns and chose to face them head on.

She introspected, journaled, even got coached by Vicki, and found the pep in her step once again. She felt lighter and more joyous, accepting and loving herself fully. She declared "I AM PERFECT!"

I'm Interested

Vicki & Chrissy

Similarly, Vicki also faced  weight gain, but after some negative self-talk, she made the choice to love herself unconditionally.

She declared, "I accept myself just as I am," and initiated a profound journey towards holistic well-being.

The key? A shift in focus from obsessing about losing weight to decluttering her life and releasing what no longer served her.

Vicki embarked on a decluttering spree, donating 75% of her clothes and relinquishing the emotional weight tied to possessions.

This act of self-love and intentional living triggered an energetic shift, leading to the effortless release of the physical weight her body was holding onto.

Now, Vicki and Chrissy invite you to join their transformative Weight Release Challenge.


I'm Interested

This is not just about shedding pounds; it's a holistic redefinition of self, addressing the spirit, mind, and body. They understand the frustration and difficulty of this journey and are passionately committed to sharing everything they've learned.

In this challenge, prepare to shatter preconceived notions about weight and discover a profound connection between self-love, mindfulness, and physical well-being. Vicki and Chrissy are on a mission to guide you through a transformative experience that goes beyond the superficial, empowering you to embrace your authentic self.

Are you ready to rewrite your story and embark on a holistic weight release journey with Vicki and Chrissy? Let the transformation begin! 💖


Enroll Today

What You'll Get & What You Can Expect

Radical Change Beyond Weight Loss

  • Address the root causes hindering your progress

Mind-Body-Soul Approach

  • Cultivate mindfulness and embrace an attitude of gratitude.

Daily Practices for Lasting Results

  • Personalized routines for sustainable, long-term change.

How it works

Each day, you'll receive an email with a video containing a lesson and an explanation 

Each lesson will include a practical tool, such as a journaling prompt, a meditation, a suggested daily routine

Live Q&A (virtually) celebrating you with an opportunity to ask questions and even get coached on the spot by Chrissy and Vicki 

Get An Early Bird Discount


Are you tired of the endless cycle of guilt, shame, and frustration associated with weight challenges? Welcome to a transformative journey designed to go beyond traditional weight loss and empower you to create lasting change within yourself.

Enroll Today

By the End of This Program, You'll Have Mastered:

Acknowledging the Journey

  • Acknowledging Energetic Blockages
  • Meditation for Releasing Negative Energy
  • The Cathartic Power of Sobbing
Embracing Self-Love and Continued Growth
  • Explore the interconnectedness of your mind, body, and soul.
  • Cultivate mindfulness and embrace an attitude of gratitude.

Moving Forward with Confidence & Empowerment

  • Daily worksheets to keep you on track and celebrate wins.
  • Personalized routines for sustainable, long-term change.

Ready to rewrite your story, release negative energy, and cultivate a life of empowerment? Join now and experience the holistic change you've been longing for!

Enroll Today


Radical Transformation, Not Just Weight Loss

Discover the power within you for effortless transformation that extends beyond the number on the scale. This isn't just a weight loss course; it's a holistic approach to shift your entire being.

Be Guided by Vicki and Chrissy - Transformational Coaches with a proven way to release weight 

Embark on this transformative journey guided by Vicki and Chrissy, who both faced guilt, shame, repeated weight gain, but then paved the path to releasing unwanted weight through inner transformation. Learn from their experiences and feel into the life you desire faster and with less effort. 

Address the Root Cause, and change your life

Understand that external challenges often mirror internal struggles. Whether it's unfulfillment, past trauma, or a distorted self-image, we delve deep into the core issues that hinder your progress.

Enroll Today


5 lucky winners will win 

“Digestion & Detox” and “Gut Health & Weight Management” teas from

Stille Essence to jumpstart your journey!

Count Me In

Course Highlights

The Power of Being and Thought Pattern Awareness

  • Rewrite Your Story
  • Embrace Personal Power
  • Mindfulness and Thought Pattern Awareness

Releasing Negative Energy from the Body

  • Acknowledge Energetic Blockages
  • Practical Practices for Releasing Negative Patterns
  • Forgiveness, Releasing Self Judgment and Gratitude For Inner Healing

Suggested Daily Routine and Personalizing Habits

  • Sample schedule for a busy professional and a framework for someone who’s less structured
  • Daily Affirmations 
  • Journaling and Accountability Prompts
  • Path to Sustainable Daily Habits

Live Q&A Celebration, Reflection and Moving Forward (Jan 28th)

  • Vicki and Chrissy answer questions live
  • Celebrate Wins and Progress
  • Set Personal Goals
  • Embrace Your Transformed Self


Holistic Approach

Address the mind, body, and soul to ensure a comprehensive transformation that goes beyond superficial changes.

Daily Practices

Daily worksheets and reflections keep you accountable and motivated throughout the journey, fostering a sense of achievement and progress.

Not Just a Quick Fix

This challenge is not about instant results; it's about sustainable transformation. Over the course of seven days, you'll build a foundation for long-term change.

Enroll Today

Join the Challenge Now

End the cycle of despair and step into your power for a truly transformative experience. Embrace radical responsibility, rewrite your story, and release the weight that no longer serves you. This isn't just about losing pounds; it's about gaining a new perspective on life.

Are you ready to unlock the doors to your inner transformation? Join the 7-Day Weight Release Challenge and embark on a journey to a happier, healthier, and empowered you.

I Want To Enroll