My Journey to Embrace Vulnerability

mindset Nov 09, 2023
Vicki D - My Journey to Embrace Vulnerability

With the holiday season fast approaching, I've observed a unique shift among my friends.

Some are retreating into their analytical minds, while others are choosing to be more open and vulnerable, sharing their authentic feelings and emotions.

Today, I want to take you on a personal journey into "living from the heart" and explore the profound impact of vulnerability on our lives.

Impact From Childhood

My early experiences were far from easy, and they shaped me into someone who made decisions predominantly with the logical mind.

To shield myself from the world's hurts, I learned to shut off my heart and emotions.

When life inflicts pain upon us, it's only natural to build emotional fortresses, making it increasingly difficult to open our hearts.

This defense mechanism often leads us to rely solely on our rational minds to navigate relationships and decisions, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true selves and the people around us.

Discovering the Strength in Vulnerability

In a recent recording session for our "Journey to Self" podcast, my friends Chrissy, Chelsey, Lora, and I had initially planned to discuss empowerment.

However, the conversation naturally gravitated towards the topic of vulnerability.

As someone who has predominantly operated from my analytical mind, this was a pivotal moment.

Embracing vulnerability is an act of immense courage. It's the fear of judgment, particularly self-judgment, that often holds us back from opening up.

As the renowned researcher Brene Brown puts it, "Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome."

The Transformation That Comes from Opening Up

Life inevitably brings its share of pain, and the memory of past hurts can lead our hearts to close. However, when we choose to unlock our hearts, a world of magic awaits on the other side.

Here are examples of the transformative magic that can occur when we embrace vulnerability:

Opening the Heart: My friend Chrissy discovered the courage to open her heart to love once more. Through vulnerability, she experienced a profound and meaningful connection, proving that love can re-enter our lives when we dare to be vulnerable.

Peace with the Past: Lora found peace by accepting her past and the choices she made. Vulnerability enabled her to heal old wounds and make peace with her history, marking a significant step towards personal growth and happiness.

Honesty and Deeper Connections: Chelsey's journey led her to be honest about her hardships, allowing her to form deeper, more authentic connections with those around her. Vulnerability can build bridges, fostering trust and understanding.

Self-Authenticity: As for me, I'm still on the path to complete vulnerability. I've started journaling my feelings and am working towards being more authentic with myself. The journey towards authenticity begins from within, and every step forward is a meaningful one.

The Ongoing Journey

No matter where you currently stand in your personal journey, the choice to live from the heart and embrace vulnerability is a conversation worth having.

The magic that unfolds when we let down our guard can transform our lives and relationships, shaping how we engage with the world.

In the words of Brene Brown, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity."

I encourage you to explore this deep and enriching conversation when the opportunity arises. You might just discover the magic that comes from living from the heart.