Mindfulness your way

All the Benefits of Mindfulness Without Needing To “DO” Anything.
Simply Listen and Binaural Beats Will Meditate For You

Save The Date : Oct 15th!
Price : $49

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Welcome to
Mindfulness Your

Are you looking for a way to achieve
mindfulness that fits your lifestyle?

 You can now experience all the benefits of mindfulness - calm, presence, awareness - and reduce stress, anxiety, sleeplessness - by simply listening to this Binaural Beats Music Bundle. That’s because Binaural Beats is a safe and science-backed alternative that uses neuromodulation technology to help you achieve a state of mindfulness, so Binaural Beats meditate for you.

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Welcome to
Mindfulness Your Way!

Are you looking for a way to achieve mindfulness that fits your lifestyle?

 You can now experience all the benefits of mindfulness - calm, presence, awareness - and reduce stress, anxiety, sleeplessness - by simply listening to this Binaural Beats Music Bundle. That’s because Binaural Beats is a safe and science-backed alternative that uses neuromodulation technology to help you achieve a state of mindfulness, so Binaural Beats meditate for you.

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With this bundle, you can achieve a state of mindfulness without having to "do" anything

Perfect for listening to on your way to work

While focused at work

Anytime you need to relax and destress 

Special Add-on: Binaural Beats

Experience the profound effects of Binaural Beats Music Bundle, a transformative course that combines brainwave technology with a comprehensive tutorial on mindfulness. 

Take a break and find quick relief with our selection of 15, 30, and 60 minute tracks. These include: 

  • Mindfulness & Movement: Perfect for going outdoors, or while needing to concentrate at work
  • Gamma Track: Stress and anxiety relief
  • Alpha track: Connecting to yourself
  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • Sleep and relax
  • Deep meditation 
  • Concentrate and flow
  • Theta to Delta monaural for sleep (1-hr track)
  • The miracle tone - 528 HZ
  • Reduce Anxiety with 432 HZ
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This bundle includes a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness, including 7 video modules to help you get started.
These are:

  • What is mindfulness?
  • What are the key elements of mindfulness?
  • How to practice mindfulness all day - tips and tricks 
  • Why is staying mindful all day important and how it helps over time
  • How to retrain your thought patterns
  • Intro to binaural beats
  • Using binaural beats on a daily basis

    Mindfulness Journal Prompts: affirmations, gratitude, self-discovery
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Modules for mindfulness course

Module 1: What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness Definition and Introduction

  • Core aspects of mindfulness: presence, awareness, non judgment, acceptance, observing the mind
  • You are not your thoughts. These are just thought patterns
  • HOMEWORK: write out what judging about yourself, where feel judged, what need to accept. observe the mind
  • Resources where can read more - or watch videos - judgment detox? 
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Module 2: Why mindfulness works?

Mindfulness benefits

  • Scientific data-backed evidence about benefits of mindfulness
  • Everything is energy in this world
  • You are consciousness, energetic being
  • Increase your consciousness = greater energetic field
  • Helps overall well being, feel calmer in just 7 days
  • Huge shifts in 1-3 months, then will feel greater shifts in 6,9,12 months. Life will be happening for you, and not to you. the path will simply open up
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Module 3: Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Activities, and Mindfulness Exercises.

How to practice mindfulness throughout the day

  • How to meditate (observe the breath)
  • Guided Meditations (Joe Dispenza, Mindfulness Institute - lady)
  • 1 Minute a day - take breaks
  • Walking and outdoors - being in nature, washing dishes
  • Listening to binaural beats and brainwave entrainment
  • HOMEWORK: accountability - create a grid and jot down when practiced mindfulness 
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Module 4:

Retraining your beliefs

  • Retraining your beliefs and thought patterns
  • Homework: now that you’re better at observing your thoughts, every time you have a limiting belief arise, switch it to I can
  • What feels like a 10 in your body? Switch anything that doesn’t feel like a 10 to a 10

Homework: Outline your limiting beliefs. Then rewrite them as I can.

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Module 5: Brainwave Entrainment, Binaural Beats and How to Use them

  • What is Brainwave Entrainment
  • How do brainwave states shift throughout the day
  • What are Binaural Beats and how do they work
  • Why do Binaural Beats work?
  • How to use Binaural
  • Show graph of how brainwave patterns shift throughout the day - Bruce Lipton
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Your brain produces different brainwaves depending on your state of mind and activities you engage in on a daily basis. These brainwaves work on different frequencies, and each one affects you in unique ways. For instance, Delta Waves promote deep sleep, but if your brain fails to shift into that state, you may experience restlessness and insomnia.

Explore our guide on how EEG tests record the impact of brainwaves on your mental state: 

  • Binaural beats in the delta: Deep sleep, pain relief, relaxation, access to the subconscious mind
  • Binaural beats in Theta: Deep relaxation, REM sleep, meditation, creativity, healing
  • Binaural beats in Alpha: Flow state, positive thinking, decreased anxiety, concentration, focus
  • Binaural beats in Beta: High energy, high-level learning, memory enhancement
  • Binaural beats in Gamma: Very high energy, memory recall, peak awareness

Binaural beats use sound frequencies to create a specific brainwave state, offering a
natural way to achieve balance, healing, relaxation, and more. These sound illusions pulse different frequencies in each ear, tricking your brain to produce the desired effect. Research has shown their effectiveness, making them a trusted solution for mental and emotional issues. Learn how they work in this in-depth article: http://bit.ly/3KmYmWD

From boosting energy to inducing sleep, Binaural beats are a convenient on-the-go solution for enhancing your state of mind. 


Stress,anxiety, and day-to-day problems at work and in your social circle can have negative effects on your body and mind, leading to burnout and other psychological syndromes. These issues are common and can cause symptoms such as excessive worrying, trouble sleeping and fatigue. Overall, workplace stress alone costs people over $300 billion yearly due to missed
work, decreased productivity and even quitting. 

The American Institute of Stress also found that it has a severe impact on people’s quality of life. Some of its most severe effects include:

  • Cardiovascular illnesses 
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Poverty
  • Substance addiction
  • Suicide

To avoid the high costs of finding the right treatment for chronic stress, many are turning to healthy alternatives like meditation, sports and therapy to achieve a state of mindfulness. While classic meditation offers physical and spiritual benefits, it requires a calm and quiet space and may be challenging for those who struggle with focus or have limited time.

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Binaural beats - A quick and timeless solution to a calm mental state.

For optimal results, we recommend listening to binaural beats consistently in a safe and comfortable environment for a couple of weeks. It's important not to mix activities if you want to maintain a specific brain state.

Additionally, it's not recommended to listen to stimulating Beta waves before a nap. It's a new sensory experience that can surprise you with its efficiency in stimulating your brain's "electrical circuits." 

Quick Tip: Avoid scrolling through social media while listening to relaxing Delta wave meditation music. 

How can Vicki Help?

The focus is to help you avoid stress, improve personal relationships and maintain a healthy body, free of stress-related illnesses. While we don't discourage therapy, we offer the move and mindfulness bundle to provide you with the benefits of movement, mindfulness and a breath of fresh air. This variety bundle is designed to help you incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, whether in stillness or on-the-go to adapt to your lifestyle.